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Surat cinta for me XD |
Uhhh da lama x update blog ! Busy sangat....dengan twittah ! Haha. Siapa yang belom follow syasya lagi, click here & follow me. Sya janji akan follow back korang. Bout the title, 2012? Next year I will be a PMR victim. Ooooooooooooooh naw ==; Korang sudah ready for next year? Sya belom lagi. lol. Langsung tak bersedia utk sekolah...tinggal 4 hari je kot? Omgyu dah la esok kena pegi sekolah sebab ada Orientasi. Malas gilaaaa. Tapi kena paksa jugak -.- And basically, this is my last post for this year.
Eh korang dah balut buku teks belom? Sya belom jugak :P
Rasa macam nak tukar je title tu kepada MALAS. Malas itu malas ini. Grrr what's wrong with me? Next year x mo malas-malas! Kena study. Bagus la sis amik laptop ni. Kalau tidak, tak berhenti2 sya online. Eh apa azam korang untuk next year? Sya pun da ada azam sendiri. :)
My resolutions for 2012 :
1. 8A's for PMR
3. New chingus
4. Make my parents proud. heuheu
5. No more spazzing/fangirling about KPOP
6. Kurangkan berat badan. Sekurang-kurangnya 5kg :P
7. Active participate Kokurikulum
8. Hope our relationship never dies.
9. Tidur awal
10. Always INSPIRIT & healthy
11. relax relax relax relax !!!
12. No more choding me. SERIOUS TIME
Humm actually, ada banyak lagi tapi malas nak list. Most of it are impossible for me...especially no.1,2,4,5,7 and 11 ! No.5 tu memang mustahil. I can't forget about Yeollie :P Ahh It's hard ==" But I will try my very best to achieve my goal !!! Jyeahh syasya fighting ! *pump fist in the air* oops jangan jadi over confident pulak. Eumm itu je kot. Da taktau nak tulis apa lagi.
NOTHING'S OVER !!! Kppyong :)