Annyeong !

Annyeonghaseyo! KimChi imida. You are now in my Kawaii land. I'm a SPM victim. Aaaahh! Study! Blogger! Noo! #Oops! Don't forget to click that navi's ok. By the way, thanks for visit here. Sa Rang Hae Princess(es) online


// What a day... Monday, February 28, 2011 | 4:56 PM | 0 comments


Esk da strt exam T^T aaa bosannyee!!! kne study!study!study!
uhuk uhukz...but cuti sekolah x lama lgi~~ woopieee!!
But exam ni kne pass or x.... tau2 la ap akn jd ngn aq nnti >.<
Heee..leh lgi aq dok dpn komp :)

Oh by the way...ari nie Birthday adekku, Shahril~
Eppy bday to u^^ Skrang die da 12 thn...UPSR
x lama lagi~ hohoho >:)

Hmm ok la weyhh..smpai sni saja aq post--
esk aq akn crite kt korg about the 'TESTS'!!!

Bye-bye!! mau study!! *study konon* nnti kne cubit
ngan Mama :(

Auuu! I know hw u feel KiKi >.<